发布于:2020-05-03 11:26:16
0Game :
I Say and you do (我说你做)
1. Point to …
2. Stand up.
3. Sit down.
Game :I Say and you do (我说你做)
Stand up.
Sit down.
Point to the door.
Point to the window.
Point to the blackboard.
Point to the boy.
Point to the girl.
... ... ...
1.请同学们课后自由组合,每个人轮流用“Point to the …”给本组同学发指令;
《Point to the door》PPT课件3 Desk desk point to the desk. Chair chair point to the chair. Door door point to the door. Window window point to the window. Blackboard bl..
《Point to the door》PPT课件 warm-up Greetings Hello. How are you? Good morning. Hi. Im finethank you. Good afternoon. Intruductions Whats your name? Im xxx. warm-up Stan..